
Here are some ideas of my own which i've brought to reality!



Developed as a community management solution, CommSquare facilitates healthy interaction among users while also providing tools to monitor and track the spread of COVID-19 within communities.



Created as an anti-forgery platform, SecureSign employs blockchain technology to securely scan and sign both physical and digital documents with a single scan, ensuring authenticity and integrity.

Sneak Page

Sneak Page

Designed as a discreet messaging platform, Sneak Page allows users to send messages covertly while browsing other websites, providing a discreet and seamless communication experience.



Serving as a launchpad for aspiring entrepreneurs, StartKaro offers a platform where students can validate their business ideas. Utilizing AI, StartKaro provides immediate feedback on the viability of their concepts, empowering young entrepreneurs to make informed decisions.



Developed as a solution for the Dark Pattern Buster hackathon, Lighthouse is a sophisticated Chrome extension capable of detecting ten different dark patterns on websites automatically. It alerts users to these deceptive practices, promoting a safer and more transparent online experience.

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Dentsmart (Initial Version)

Developed using C#, Dentsmart (Initial Version) is a clinic management system tailored for dentists. While primarily designed for offline use, this version laid the foundation for further enhancements and improvements.

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